The main demo site of Perfex CRM system supports the following features:
- Mask sensitive information such as emails, addresses, accounts, etc., of customers.
- Support exclusion of masking based on specified IDs, classes, and names for designated elements.
- Support data masker patterns to hide content elements matching defined patterns.
This feature should be enabled when recording tutorial videos for uploading to platforms like YouTube and Facebook, which have policies regarding user personal information. This ensures videos are not removed for policy violations.
P/s: The PolyDemoClients WordPress plugin is included with the PolyDemo module. Data displayed on the PerfexCRM system will still be provided by the main module.
For example, the following content, including information and version history, is displayed from PolyDemoClients for WordPress.

Supported Hooks
The module provides hook methods to block unauthorized actions in demo mode for each module. During module development, simply add the following hook at the beginning of functions that restrict actions in the demo environment:
hooks()->do_action('poly_demo_before_action', true);
Data Masker
- Enable Data Masker: Option to activate the masker feature for sensitive data types such as email, phone, bank, address, etc., within Data Tables and input elements. This feature should be enabled when recording demo videos of system functionalities. If not activated, videos may be removed by platforms like YouTube and Facebook due to user personal information policies.
For fields that should be excluded from the masker feature, the following settings can be customized:
- Skip IDs: List of element IDs to exclude from masking.
- Skip Classes: List of CSS classes to exclude from masking.
- Skip Names: List of element names to exclude from masking.
- Data Masker Patterns: List of regex patterns, words, or characters to apply masking. For proactive masking, regex patterns can be provided. For example, to mask the word “PolyXGO” as “*****”, simply add this word to the patterns.
Demo White Label
- Enable Custom Branding: Option to replace the PerfexCRM logo with custom branding content for screenshots or demo videos intended for guide documents uploaded to platforms like Envato. According to developer policies, branding logos or names should not be included in uploaded content or images.
- Brand Name: Custom brand name, with support for HTML tags and inline CSS styling.
- API Base URL: The root domain link of the main system where PolyDemo and project information are installed. On the same system, this defaults to the current root domain.
- Module Access: List of project codes supporting information queries from other systems. For example, the PolyDemoClients plugin on WordPress.
Message & Notice
- Show Demo Information: Option to display module-related demo information on the PerfexCRM system.
- Show System Notice: Option to display alert and message notifications within the PerfexCRM system.
Module version information
PolyDemo on PerfexCRM
Latest update information
PolyDemo version history
PolyUtilities on PerfexCRM
Latest update information
PolyUtilities version history
PolyWidgets on Perfex CRM
Latest update information
PolyWidgets version history
Version history