
The PolySpiders class simulates interactive “spider” objects that move and target specific elements within an HTML5 canvas environment. This is a graphical simulation model where the spiders move around and chase predefined targets on the screen. Various attributes and methods allow customizable configurations.

This application can be used to develop modules or plugins with functionality that requires elements to follow other elements.

Structure and Key Features

Canvas Configuration and Basic Properties:

  • canvas: HTML5 canvas element where all graphics are displayed.
  • ctx: The 2D context of the canvas for drawing shapes and effects.
  • w and h: Width and height of the canvas, updated when the window is resized.
  • spiders and targets: Lists of “spiders” and “targets” within the canvas.
  • targetRadius and targetBorderWidth: Configuration for the radius and border width of the targets.

Initialization and Configuration of Targets and Spiders:

  • init(config): Initialization method that accepts a configuration and sets up objects like the canvas, the number of spiders, number of legs per spider, and target movement speed.
  • initializeTargets(): Sets the position and properties of each target (color, title, speed, border).
  • initializeSpiders(): Creates spider objects with random positions and leg movement effects.

Spider Operations and Interaction with Targets:

  • spawnSpider(): Creates a new spider with parameters for position and movement style. The spiders are randomly named from a list such as “PolyDev,” “PolyXGO,” and “PolyUtilities.”
  • findClosestTarget(x, y): Finds the nearest target for the spider to follow.
  • tick(t): Updates the spider’s position based on the nearest target’s location.

Drawing and Graphic Effects:

  • animate(): Runs a continuous animation loop, updating the positions of the targets and spiders while redrawing the canvas.
  • drawCircle() and drawLine(): Draws circles and connecting lines to create movement effects for the spider legs.
  • drawTargetCircle(target): Draws a circle for each target and displays its title.

User Interaction Handling and Resizing:

  • When the window is resized, the resize event triggers, calling reinitializePolySpiders() to update the canvas size.
  • reinitializePolySpiders(): Reinitializes the PolySpiders object with new configuration settings.